
What Happens if You Die without a Will in Missouri?

Creating an estate plan is often one of those things we put off, thinking we’ll get to it tomorrow, or next week, or before the end of the year.  But what happens if you die without a will in Missouri?  None of us wants to think about that, but we should. Creating an estate plan now means tha [...]

Who’s On Your Estate Planning Team?

Estate planning is not just about what happens to your stuff when you die. It is about coordinating all aspects of your life so (i) you can be taken care of during times when you are unable to care for yourself, and (ii) your money and property are distributed to the individuals you have selected up [...]

Myths We Tell Ourselves About Estate Planning

Estate planning can be a very difficult process. While it’s not brain surgery, making the decision to move forward with the planning requires us to face the fact that we will not live forever. This thought can stop many people right in their tracks. Others talk themselves out of seeing a qualified [...]

The Role of an Agent Under a Power of Attorney

For most people, the phrase “power of attorney” means very little. Even for those educated on the subject, it is easy to forget exactly who serves what role and why. Whether you are unfamiliar with the concept or simply need of a refresher, keep reading to learn what it means to be an agent unde [...]