Category: Divorce

Missouri Spousal Support: A Guide to Alimony Laws

  • September 21, 2024
  • Kelvin Birk
  • Divorce

Divorce brings a change in the financial circumstances and needs of both spouses, and in many situations, one spouse is not able to make it on their own.  If this is the case, that spouse may be eligible for spousal support, also known as spousal maintenance or alimony, from their ex.

Spousal support is a monthly payment issued from one spouse to the other after the marriage dissolves. Whether or not a spouse qualifies for alimony and the amount and duration of the support is determined by the court and based on a number of factors. This determination will affect [...]

Parenting Plans in Missouri Divorces: Creating a Custody Agreement That Works

  • September 20, 2024
  • Kelvin Birk
  • Divorce

For divorcing parents, creating an effective parenting plan that works is a major concern, as the children’s lives are at stake. Parenting plans cover important decisions including how legal and physical child custody will be arranged, a schedule of how parenting time will be set up, and how major decisions will be made. It is always best if parents can agree on making a joint plan, but if the divorce is contentious, disagreements are likely to arise. An experienced Missouri divorce lawyer can represent your interests and help work through these issues to come up with a comprehensive parenting plan that works and is legally sound.

Understa [...]

The Residency Requirement for Filing Divorce in Missouri

  • September 18, 2024
  • Kelvin Birk
  • Divorce

When a marriage comes to an end, it is a difficult and stressful time for everyone involved. In addition to concerns about financial issues and child support and custody, you need to consider where you, your children, and your soon-to-be ex-spouse will live. Most people want the process to be over as quickly and expeditiously as possible.

However, before you can even file for divorce in Missouri, you must meet certain residency requirements and adhere to specific divorce laws and procedures. It can help to have an experienced Missouri divorce lawyer by your side fro [...]

Military Divorce in Missouri: Understanding Unique Legal Issues

  • September 13, 2024
  • Kelvin Birk
  • Divorce

Divorce is never easy, and when one or both of the parties are in the military, it becomes a little bit more complex, subject to Missouri and federal law. Understanding the law, its impact, and the unique legal issues in Missouri military divorces is crucial to protecting your rights.

In this blog, we cover the unique issues you need to know, from jurisdictional challenges and pensions to child custody and spousal support. We will also share resources for military spouses and how a lawyer can help you. If you’re facing a military divorce and are unsure of what to do, contact our

In Divorce Cases, Social Media Accounts Can Become Evidence

  • July 23, 2024
  • Kelvin Birk
  • Divorce

Divorce is one of life’s greatest stressors, especially when it is a contentious one when partners are fighting over issues such as property division and child custody. This is why it is so important for those even thinking of divorcing to remember that anything posted on social media can be used as evidence against you in court.

You may be innocently posting comments, opinions, photos, statuses, tweets, etc., on social media such as Twitter, Facebook, or Instagram, intending to share only with people you trust, but sometimes even the smallest detail can affect your divorce claim and blow your chance [...]

What Is the Difference Between Contested & Uncontested Divorce?

  • March 12, 2024
  • Kelvin Birk
  • Divorce

Divorce is one of the most stressful and life-changing experiences a couple can go through. There is much at stake, and emotions often run high, as both parties have to come to agreement about important issues such as division of their marital assets and debts, custody and support of their children, and spousal maintenance or alimony.

This is difficult enough when divorcing spouses think they are in agreement and the divorce is considered to be uncontested. If they cannot come to an agreement outside of court, the divorce can become a contested one, and may result in a stressful, lengthy and expensive divorce process. In general, it is better for all parties when a divorce is un [...]

How Are Assets Divided in a Divorce in Missouri?

  • June 23, 2023
  • Kelvin Birk
  • Divorce

Missouri is an equitable distribution state, which means that your assets, as well as your property and debts, will be divided in what the court considers a fair and equitable manner. This may not be equally, however, because there are many issues to consider when determining what is equitable. If you or a loved one is facing a divorce and worried about how your assets will be divided, an experienced family law attorney can help clarify the issues and fight for the best settlement possible.

How Are Assets Divided in a Divorce in Missouri?

Depending on your individual situation, there are many assets that may need to be valued and divided in a divorce, including:
